The Guides:
Want to know who we are?...With whom you book this trip?...Who are the travel guides?... Below a brief introduction to our “Entre Orejas” team.

Paul Coudenys

If anyone can say "been there, done that" then it’s Paul Coudenys!
Paul, born in Flanders Belgium, was once in his previous life a farrier. At age 21, he travelled backpacking around the globe, 3 years later and with a luggage full of travel and riding experiences he returned to Belgium. During his "long journey", he worked as a blacksmith shoeing horses at the polo club in Singapore, as a blacksmith and cowboy at a cattle station in Australia, as a gaucho in South America and as a rider in too many places and countries to mention.
In 1996 he founded “Hippo-Trek” and became one of the pioneers of worldwide riding holidays in Europe. Paul rode horses in 53 different countries and is perhaps one of the most experienced trail riders in the world. Loving the great horse culture and hospitality in Latin America Paul decided to move to Brazil in 2010. He lives in the southern state of Santa Catarina, home of the South American gaucho (cowboy). After years of experience in organizing and guiding equestrian holidays and riding expeditions around the world, he now only concentrates on trail rides and equestrian tourism in Latin America. He is guiding all the riding trips himself and assures you participating at the best horse treks in Latin America.
Paul is also co-founder and president of ALATCE; Asociación Latinoamericana de Turismo y Cultura Ecuestre. (Latin American Association of Equestrian Tourism and Culture)
He speaks 6 languages, loves humor and life, is a very social person and knows like no other how to take you on a ride on the wild side!

Simón Vergara Gutierrez

Born in the saddle and born to be wild; that's how we could describe Simón in 2 short sentences!n.
Simón was born and raised in rural Colombia and has been passionate about horses since childhood. Turning his hobby into a profession he did by being apprenticed to the best horse people in the world. He took national and international courses, from Farriery, to Carriage Driving, Saddlery, Equine Therapy, Equestrian Center Management and First Aid Provider, to Natural Horsemanship internships with Monty Roberts & horse trainers such as Polito Ulloa.
He travelled in North, Central and South America on horseback and visited Europe, Africa and Asia
In addition, Simón has been working as a guide on multi-day trail rides and equestrian expeditions for years now. Taking care of his horses and riding guests, he guides like no other, is very social & helpful and does everything with a smile. He speaks Spanish, English and Portuguese.
Adventure is his second nature; In 2017 Simón was part of Caroline Casey’s project “Valuable”. An expedition on horseback and mules where they rode from the Caribbean coastal city of Cartagena to the capital Bogota. A 1000km trip in the saddle in 30 days, dedicated to people with disabilities.
But his hunger for adventure didn't stop there. In January 2021, midst the pandemic period, he started a new big adventure; an adventure that he now remembers as, “the university of life”.
1 man, 2 mules, 5 countries, 8000 Km, 365 days and as many adventures. Simon left his native Colombia with his mules for a huge solo adventure. After crossing the Andes mountains, deserts, jungles and defying all climates, exactly one year later Simon and his mules reached Jesus Maria in Argentina , the finish line of his expedition. ( ).
Today Simón is a guide, organizer and partner of Entre Orejas. A partner with new ideas, a lot of passion and enthusiasm that results in new amazing Entre Orejas rides and great new destinations.


Responsible for the Breeding and Training of the Peruvian Paso Horse at the Estancia, Pablo is from an early age an enthusiast of the equestrian world and outdoor life.
His skills and pasion for nature & horses makes of him the perfect person to guide riders in his territory, the North of Argentina. When you ask Pabo why he likes to take people on a trail ride? This is what he gives as an answer:
"When I follow tracks, many of them almost without the trace of man, then I feel a deep desire to share that magic, that is why I love doing this work, it is my way of giving myself to other people ...It’s incredible the peace, the contact with nature, where riders, animals and landscape all seem to be a single unit. A Trail ride gives me the satisfaction of creating and sharing unique experiences with others".


Homero, born in Buenos Aires and raised in Salta. He has been a guide during 12 years in Argentina, accompanying travelers on nature tours all over the country.
He lways admires horses and horseman and started to learn skills from the gauchos.He now takes people on horseback tours as a pro, speaks well English enjoys every trip as if is his first one.
With him you will feel very comfortable and very well accompanied. He It is the ideal person and host to accompany you on your trip.