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The Coffee Trail Ride - Colombia


Horses & Coffee that’s what it’s all about in Colombia…. An 8-day horseback adventure in the Colombian Coffee Triangle.



Colombia is a country of contrasts in geography and climate but as well in its natural environment and culture. There are quite some differences in habits, traditions, beliefs and ways of life depending on the region you visit. But one thing all Colombians have in common is; they are crazy about coffee and horses! 


In Colombia, coffee is cultivated with vigorous passion and dedication. You taste this love for coffee in the final product. Coffee goes hand in hand with the horse and mule, which are indispensable partners on the plantations, carrying your coffee beans from the tree to your cup. 


There are more than 563,000 families producing coffee in Colombia. Most Colombian coffee farmers live in small haciendas whose coffee cultivation plots do not surpass 2 hectares (5 acres) on average. Only slightly more than 5% of Colombian coffee producers have coffee plantations larger than 5 hectares (12 acres). The reduced dimensions of their coffee plots have allowed maintaining an essentially family oriented activity to the Colombian coffee growing industry. Thus, the coffee people in Colombia believe that the family is their most important priority, and are very keen on protecting and maintaining a strong set of family values and traditions. And exactly those families will receive you on this trail ride! 


We will take you to the heart of Colombia’s coffee triangle where at Hacienda Pilarica, at about 40km from Armenia, you will be received with open arms by a team of Colombian horse guides, hosts and by your tripleader Paul. After a traditional first night at the Hacienda your Colombian crossed criollo horses will be saddled (very comfortable authentic saddles) to leave for a 6-day trip from hacienda to hacienda. (8 days / 7 nights / 6 days on horseback).

On average, you will be about six hours a day in the saddle and discover the stunning  landscapes of the nature reserve Valley del Cócora, colonial villages like Salento and Filandía, arrive at different coffee farms where you will find warm hospitality and learn all about coffee growing and coffee drinking.


But no worries, of course more than often you will not only drink a coffee but also a refreshing beer in a picturesque village along the trail ride. Average altitude during the ride is 2.000mts with an all year round ideal temperature of about 25C°.


Shall we bet you will fall in love with Colombia?! … be warned; “Colombia, el unico riesgo es que te quieras quedar”  meaning; “Colombia, the only risk is that you want to stay”!

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