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A Cavalgada da Revolução Mexicana, Mexico

Uma aventura equestre de 8 dias no coração do México colonial

Who is Who

Os Guias

Quer saber quem somos?... Com quem você está reservando sua viagem? Quem são os guias da cavalgada? Veja abaixo uma breve introdução do nosso time “Entre Orejas”.

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Why his parents called him Angel, nobody knows, as he is a lot of things, but certainly not an Angel! :) He is a pleasant Mexican fellow, always ready for a joke and a party. But he is first and foremost a great horse man! Born and raised in Guanajato, one of the important states of the Charro culture, he grew up with horses and local cowboy life. He and his family are alos saddle manufacturers. Angel is co-founder of ALATCE; Asociación Latinoamericana de Turismo y Cultura Ecuestre. (Latin American Association of Equestrian Tourism and Culture) The Mexican equestrian culture is omnipresent in his life. In the saddle with Angel means a trip back into the history of his country. No better guide than Angel to show you the secrets of his beloved state of Guanajuato..

Paul Coudenys


Se alguém pode dizer "been there, done that" então é Paul Coudenys! Paul, nascido na Bélgica, começou sua carreira como ferrador de cavalos, e aos 21 anos fez uma viagem de mochilão pelo mundo. Três anos depois, e com a bagagem cheia de experiências de viagem voltou a Bélgica. Durante sua jornada trabalhou como ferrador de cavalos no clube de Polo de Singapura, como cowboy na Austrália, charro em México, gaúcho na América do Sul e como cavaleiro em demasiados lugares e países para mencionar. 

Em 1996 fundou “Hippo-Trek” e se tornou pioneiro de cavalgadas internacionais. Paul cavalgou em 53 países diferentes e é talvez a pessoa mais experiente do mundo neste segmento.
Apaixonado pela grande cultura do cavalo e hospitalidade na América Latina, Paul decidiu mudar-se para o Sul do Brasil em 2010. Depois de anos de experiência na organização de cavalgadas e expedições equestres ao redor do mundo, ele agora só se concentra em cavalgadas e turismo equestre na América Latina. É ele mesmo que guia todas as cavalgadas e garante assim que você participe das melhores cavalgadas na América Latina.

Paul também é co-fundador e presidente da ALATCE; Associação Latino-Americana de Turismo e Cultura Equestre.

Paul fala 6 línguas, ama a vida e o bom humor, é uma pessoa muito sociável e sabe como ninguém guiar uma aventura equestre!

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Simón Vergara Gutierrez


Born in the saddle and born to be wild; that's how we could describe Simón in 2 short sentences!n.

Simón was born and raised in rural Colombia and has been passionate about horses since childhood. Turning his hobby into a profession he did by being apprenticed to the best horse people in the world. He took national and international courses, from Farriery, to Carriage Driving, Saddlery, Equine Therapy, Equestrian Center Management and First Aid Provider, to Natural Horsemanship internships with Monty Roberts & horse trainers such as Polito Ulloa.

He travelled in North, Central and South America on horseback and visited Europe, Africa and Asia


In addition, Simón has been working as a guide on multi-day trail rides and equestrian expeditions for years now. Taking care of his horses and riding guests, he guides like no other, is very social & helpful and does everything with a smile. He speaks Spanish, English and Portuguese.


Adventure is his second nature; In 2017 Simón was part of Caroline Casey’s project “Valuable”. An expedition on horseback and mules where they rode from the Caribbean coastal city of Cartagena to the capital Bogota. A 1000km trip in the saddle in 30 days, dedicated to people with disabilities.


But his hunger for adventure didn't stop there. In January 2021, midst the pandemic period, he started a new big adventure; an adventure that he now remembers as, “the university of life”. 


1 man, 2 mules, 5 countries, 8000 Km, 365 days and as many adventures. Simon left his native Colombia with his mules for a huge solo adventure. After crossing the Andes mountains, deserts, jungles and defying all climates, exactly one year later Simon and his mules reached Jesus Maria in Argentina , the finish line of his expedition. ( ).


Today Simón is a guide, organizer and partner of Entre Orejas. A partner with new ideas, a lot of passion and enthusiasm that results in new amazing Entre Orejas rides and great new destinations.

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