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Jungle to Andes Expedition - Venezuela

Crossing the Andes  on Horseback from the rainforest  to the high peaks of the Sierra Nevada

P info

Practical information:

Good to know before you go

Riding level

Suitable for all riders. On this trail ride it is more important to have an adventurous spirit than
       being a top rider. The pace is mainly walking due to the difficult terrain.

Group Size

Minimum 08 riders 

Maximum 10 riders 


Riders weight limit: 95 Kg


  • Horses: Venezuelan cross breed ponies

  • Saddles: Venezuelan ranch saddles

  • Guides: professional and multilingual guides – Tripleader: Paul Coudenys or Simon Vergara.

  • Comfort: basic during the camping + simple but comfortable at the guesthouses.

  • International Passport:  Required for most foreigners (still 6 months valid)

  • Visa:  most European and Latin American citizens do not need a visa to travel to Venezuela. North Americans need a Visa! Contact the Venezuelan Embassy in your country for more info.

  • Vaccinations: not required in the área where we ride (for other regions consult your physician).

  • Age: minimum age is 16 years, only allowed if accompanied by an adult.

Are you alone?

Do not worry, you can individually register/book and join in a group with other riders. Most participants are people who register individually and may just like you, not know the other riders in your group. Since everyone has the same points of interest (horseback riding, nature, travel, culture) there is always a good atmosphere and understanding among the participants. Participants come from all corners of the world, so you can be part of a group with riders from the United Kingdom, Belgium, Spain, France, Sweden, Canada, USA, Australia, Mexico and many others countries. Your friends are suddenly so much more international!  A standard group consists of 6 to 16 riders. In general there are as many female as male participants.

We will do everything possible to follow the indicated itinerary, although spot changes can occur due to unforeseen circumstances. Rides are subject to change depending on weather, location and difficulty of terrain. In the unlikely event that this happens on your trip, we ask you for flexibility and understanding. This is a sporty and adventurous vacation.​

Weather in Venezuela during the Riding Expedition : 

Humidity in the jungle and cloud forest is high
Sunny but rain is always possible 
Daytime temperatures between 16C° & 28C°
Temperature at night between 20C° & -7C° 


The maximum allowable weight of your luggage depends from airline to airline. Check with the airline or travel agent how many kilograms and pieces of luggage you can take. Your personal luggage is transported on mules during the trek to the various stopovers. Therefor It is recommended to put your luggage in a travel bag instead of a hard suitcase. Bags are easier to load on a mule than a suitcase.  A bag pack or a waterproof North Face kind of bag are ideal. 20 kg of luggage is allowed on the trail ride.


Although Venezuela is going through some internal political problems (and this has been the fact since the last 20 years) the country is safe to visit and the locals love to meet and receive foreigners. There is no need to worry at all. You will be welcomed with open arms.




No worries, local trip leader Paul is fluent in 6 languages and will help and translate with pleasure where needed.
Trips are always fun as we all speak the same equestrian language.

travel gear...

  •  Valid international passport 

  • Travel Insurance

  • Pocket money (you can change EUR/£/USD in the airport) 

  • A sweater

  • A warm jacket 

  • 4 or 5 T-shirts and minimum 2 a shirts with long sleeves.

  • Jodhpurs or jeans to ride with 

  • Riding shoes or boots / riding shoes with mini-chaps or long chaps

  • A pair of rubber boots (not specific riding boots) is a good idea to bring along too.

  • A second pair of shoes for the evening

  • Comfortable clothing + a Hat to protect you from the sun

  • 2 large plastic garbage bags

  • One towel

  • Swimsuit 

  • Toiletries

  • Sun Cream

  • Water canteen

  • Mosquito Repellent

  • Sleeping bag comfortable to sleep at -7C° + sleeping mattress

  • Warm hat – gloves – scarf/buff

  • Camera…

* we have saddle bags available for you
* It is recommended to put your luggage in a travel bag instead of a hard suitcase. Bags are easier to load on a mule than a suitcase.  A bag pack or a waterproof North Face kind of bag is ideal. 20 kg of luggage is allowed on the trail ride.


seguro de viaje:

Le solicitamos que tome un seguro de viaje. Pregúntele a su compañía de seguros local o agente de viajes al respecto. No se le permitirá participar en el programa de vacaciones de cabalgatas "Entre Orejas" sin tener un seguro de viaje personal. Los detalles de su seguro serán solicitados a la llegada.

Se recomienda un seguro de cancelación de viaje: Para protegerse contra circunstancias imprevistas que interfieran con sus vacaciones "Entre Orejas", le recomendamos que compre un seguro de cancelación de viaje. Puede utilizar cualquier compañía de seguros de viaje con la que se sienta cómodo.

acuerdo de liberación de responsabilidad:

Los clientes de "Entre Orejas" deben firmar un acuerdo de liberación de responsabilidad en el momento del check-in. Esto es obligatorio y los invitados no pueden participar en el tour sin firmar el acuerdo de liberación (todos los fondos pagados no son reembolsables). No dude en leer el acuerdo de liberación antes de su llegada: descargue el formulario aquí.


Los padres o tutores legales de niños menores de edad deben firmar el acuerdo de liberación en nombre de sus hijos. Por favor, dirija todas las preguntas a la oficina.


  • Currency: 

The Venezuela currency is the BOLIVAR  
1 EURO = approx. : 1.300 Bolivar (march 2016)
1 USD    = approx. : 1.100 Bolivar  (march 2016)
Cash dispensers can be found in all towns and cities.
In the cities, you can pay with credit cards. (Visa, Mastercard, Maestro, American Express, ...)
You hardly will need money during the trail ride.

  • Internet: In cities and bigger towns there is everywhere Internet access. During the riding trip, there is NO internet access.

  • Time: 

  • Rules: We are not so much into rules, but we reserve the right to refuse service to any individual who jeopardizes the health, safety and welfare of any of our guests, staff, family & community members, animals & livestock, or who refuses to follow the rules we have established for your safety and welfare during your visit with us.

  • General info about Venezuela: 

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