Crossing the Andes, Chile - Argentina
The Ultimate Riding Expedition; Crossing the Andes from Chile to Argentina

An Expedition on horseback in the footsteps of the liberator of Chile; San Martin ...
Crossing the Andes Mountains from Chile to Argentina by horse is undoubtedly the greatest way to discover the secrets of this mighty mountain range. The terrain ranges from desolate landscapes to dizzying mountain crests. While discovering many streams and wild rivers, lakes and hidden mountain passes of the high Andes mountains, you will experience the same odyssey as the Spanish conquistadores 500 years ago. All mountain passes, landscapes, flora and fauna have remained the same. Ever since only inhabited by Condors, Guanacos and Pumas.
During 7 days you will be totally separated from all civilization. Riders and horses working together as a real team to conquer this rough terrain of untouched nature. The group is completely autonomous. A fully equipped tent camp, backpacks, field kitchen, food and wine, first aid kit, satellite phone and much more packed on mules travels along with the riders.
On this mountain expedition Arrieros (South American Cowboys) are riding with us, men who are used to drive herds of cattle and goats, in spring when the snow has melted, over the Andes mountains, to take their animals to the grassy valleys. There are no roads nor paths, but the Arrieros learned how to find their way in the mountains from their fathers and grandfathers. The first half of the expedition you will be riding on criollo horses of the Huasos (Chilean cowboys) and at the border crossing with Argentina you will continue with the Argentine Gauchos and their animals.

You will spend 7 to 9 hours a day in the saddle crossing extremely mountainous terrain at very high altitude (2000 to 5000 meters). At the highest pass to cross, 5000 meters, you will respect horses more than ever before and will be amazed in all possible ways of the greatness of this expedition! You will see peaks such as the Aconcagua (6.959m) and the Mercedario (6.770m), you will cross the Chile-Argentina border, take baths in cold rivers and drink wine under a sparkling starry sky. In short, this is a week of intense adventure in the saddle!
In 1997 Paul Coudenys and Chilean Andinist Marcos, were the first to open this historic path for tourism. They are the pioneers of all riding expeditions in the Andes. Paul will be your trip leader during this expedition. Be aware that this is not just another trail ride; this is THE expedition all Chileans and Argentineans know as the “Crossing of the Andes Expedition of General San Martin”! A little bit of history: In 1817, José San Martin led a 5.000-strong army of riders from Argentina in a 20-day march to invade Chile. 2.000 men did not survive the expedition due to illness and inadequate protection from the cold. With the remaining 3.000 soldiers, the liberation army surprised the Spanish troops. The result in the subsequent battle was a victory for the liberation forces of San Martin.
Welcome to ride in the footsteps of the Liberation Army of San Martin!